Absentee Ballots Now Available for May Election

Absentee ballots are now available for the Annual Town Election on May 11, 2019.

If you need an absentee ballot, complete the application and return it to the Town Clerk at the Blandford Town Hall, 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford, MA 01008. Please allow appropriate time for mail delivery if you use the USPS.

Absentee ballot applications are also in the lobby of the town offices and may be completed and left in the Town Clerk mailbox.

Download the Absentee Ballot Application.

Download the Absentee Ballot Application for a family member.

Rabies Shots for Dogs & Cats / Dog Licenses

Resident dog and cat owners can have their pets inoculated against rabies for $12 on Saturday, March 30 from noon to 1 p.m. at the Blandford Town Offices at 1 Russell Stage Road.

Veterinarian Dr. Hazel Holman of the Blandford Animal Hospital will administer the shots. Pet owners should bring records of previous rabies inoculations.

Dog licenses will be available at the rabies clinic. Tags for intact animals are $10 and spayed or neutered dog tags are $5.

All Blandford dogs must have new tags by May 1.

Town Census

A second mailing has gone out to residents for completion of household residents for the town’s annual census. Residents should be aware that Mass General Laws, Ch. 56, sec. 4 says that a fine of up to $500 can be imposed for failure to return the census form. There is also the possibility for imprisonment.

Please return your form. If you have not received one, please contact the Town Clerk at (413) 848-4279, ext. 203.