Plumbing & Gas Inspector (A)
Aaron Poteat (2024-2025)
(413) 364-1273
[email protected]
Office Hours: By request
See the full fee schedule here.
Permits can be completed online and are also available for download.
- Click here to apply for a permit online.
Create an account in order to use the system by selecting *New User Register Here*. Once you have created your account credentials, login and click on the upper left button “New Application”. Select “Blandford” and the appropriate Building permit to complete the application.Once your application is submitted, you can click on the “eye” icon () to view the status of your permit application. Permit applications are addressed quickly, but please allow at least 48 hours for your application to be reviewed. If you do not hear anything within 48 hours, contact the Town Administrator’s office.
Town Staff will use the “chat” feature for any questions or to let you know if additional information or documents need to be uploaded. You can chat back by clicking on the bubble icon ().
You can pay online after the appropriate Inspector reviews your permit and sets the status to “Ready for Payment”. Log back in and pay with an online check (your check routing number and account number), or credit card.
After the permit is issued, you can log into your account here and print your permit.
- Click here to download and print your permit application. An additional $25.00 paper application submittal fee will be added to the permit fee assessed for all hard copy permit applications submitted. Printed permits should be mailed to: Town of Blandford, 1 Russell Stage Road, Suite 14, Blandford, MA 01008. *Plumbers should also send a copy of their current license with the permits.