Road Closure

Gore Road will be closed Monday, February 28th through Wednesday, March 2nd from 7am until 3pm. Northern Tree will be on Gore Road taking down trees. Local traffic only! There will be police officers on Gore Road to assist motorists. Please be patient!


There will be a parking ban beginning tonight, February 24 at midnight and ending tomorrow, February 25 at midnight. NO ON-STREET PARKING ALLOWED! Vehicles left on the road may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. Thank you for your cooperation.


Before the next snowfall, Highway Department Superintendent Dave Waldron reminds residents that it is against the law to plow snow across any road and onto other peoples’ property.

The town’s bylaw regarding snow removal mirrors the state law: “No person, other than an employee in the service of the Town of Blandford or the Commonwealth or an employee in the service of an independent contractor acting for the Commonwealth or the Town of Blandford shall pile, push, or plow snow or ice into Town Roads so as to impede the flow of traffic on such way. Whoever violates this bylaw shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred fifty ($150) dollars.

This fine is the same as the state law.

FILLED – Highway Laborer/Operator/Truck Driver Job Opening

The Town of Blandford seeks qualified candidates to drive a highway truck, operate heavy motor equipment, and perform heavy manual work for all road construction, maintenance and repair projects for the Highway Department. This is a full-time and benefited Union Shop position with salary range for of up-to $52,387, depending on experience and qualifications in accordance to union contract.

A full job description with submission of application guidelines can be downloaded here. Closing date for all applications is Friday, October 29 by 3:00pm.