FY21 Budget Overview and Supporting Documents

The Town of Blandford is proposing an operating budget of $4.6 million in FY 2021, not including the Water Enterprise. The Water Enterprise operating budget is proposed at $535 thousand.

• FY21 Budget Summary Report
FY21 Anticipated Revenue Summary
FY21 Proposed Budget
FY21 Expense Pie Graph
• FY21 Water Budget – Revenue and Expenditure
FY21 Annual Town Meeting Warrant – June 22, 2020

The following is a snapshot overview of the proposed budget followed by a budget narrative. Much more details of the budget can be found in the links above.

Read the full budget and narrative from the Finance Committee here →

Changes to 2020 Municipal Calendar

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Changes to 2020 Municipal Schedule

Please be aware of the following changes/rescheduled dates on the Municipal Schedule.

  • June 1st – Monday, post for informational meeting (aka mini Town Meeting) to include on the agenda the completed and reviewed warrant. This is a Finance Committee meeting, their post.
  • June 2nd – Tuesday; 2pm-4pm and 7pm-8pm, last day to register to vote at Annual Town Meeting and Annual Town Election.
  • June 8 – Monday, Informational Meeting of the Finance Committee (aka: Mini Town Meeting) – per bylaw.
  • June 15 – Post for Town Meeting and Election, ONE WARRANT.
  • June 22 – Monday, Annual Town Meeting at 7pm – per G.L. c39, 10a. At least a half-hour prior to Annual Town Meeting the Town Administrator, Moderator, Town Clerk, Selectmen, and Town Counsel meet to review warrant.
  • June 27 – Saturday, Annual Town Election; 10am to 4pm. Per Ch. 45 of the Acts of 2020.

Absentee Ballots Now Available for May Election

Absentee ballots are now available for the Annual Town Election on May 11, 2019.

If you need an absentee ballot, complete the application and return it to the Town Clerk at the Blandford Town Hall, 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford, MA 01008. Please allow appropriate time for mail delivery if you use the USPS.

Absentee ballot applications are also in the lobby of the town offices and may be completed and left in the Town Clerk mailbox.

Download the Absentee Ballot Application.

Download the Absentee Ballot Application for a family member.