Caucus for Town Offices – 3/1/21 at 7pm

Town Caucus is Monday, March 1 at 7 p.m. at the town hall.

Positions open for nomination are: Board of Assessors for three years, Board of Health for three years, Select Board member for three years, Cemetery Commissioner for three years, Library Trustee for three years, Moderator for three years, Municipal Light Plant Board for three years, Planning Board for five years, School Committee for three years, Tree Warden for three years and Water Commissioner for three years .

Incumbents seeking re-election are: Bret Hartley for Board of Health, Stephen Jemiolo for Cemetery Commissioner, Mary Kronholm for Library Trustee, David Hopson for Moderator, Kim Bergland for Municipal Light Board, and Mark Boomsma for Tree Warden.

Eric McVey has announced he will not seek re-election to the Select Board but might be interested in running for the slot on the Board of Assessors.

Michele Crane will not seek re-election for the School Committee, but says there may be someone interested.

There are also positions up for nomination as Fence Viewer for three years, and David Chaffee holds the job currently, and a second Fence Viewer slot for two years and Field Driver is open for three years as well.

Historically, or traditionally if you prefer, these latter posts as Fence Viewer and Field Driver have been thought of as more or less honorary positions for new residents to introduce them to town.