FY2021 Tax Classification

The Board of Selectmen held a Tax Classification Hearing on December 14, 2020 to determine the percentage of the Town’s property tax levy to be borne by each major property class as described in Chapter 40, Section 56 of MGL, as amended, and voted in support of the recommendation of the Board of Assessors.

The Board of Assessors has calculated the following tax rates needed for FY21 – which is the same rate in FY20:

Property Class
• Residential = $17.76
• Commercial = $17.76
• Industrial = $17.76
• Personal Property = $17.76

The Department of Revenue has certified the tax recap. The following is an example of typical residential tax change we can expect on an average single family home with the $17.76 rate:

Average FY20 Value Average Tax Average FY21 Value Average Tax Change
$219,800 $3,904 $224,530 $3,988 $84.00

Although the tax rate is the same, the average single family home value increased by approximately 2.3% in response to the improving market. The average vacant land parcel increased 4.5%. Commercial and industrial property values increased modestly as well. Individual parcel valuations may vary from the class average due to data updates and corrections, new construction, and the effects of market trends on their specific characteristics.

Click here for FY21 Tax Classification Hearing Report.

UPDATED – Hardship Request Form – Excise and 4th Quarter Real Estate and Property Tax Payments

Hardship Request Form in Response to Governor’s 3/10/2020 State of Emergency Declaration Allowing to Waive Interest and Fees up to June 4th for Excise Tax and 4th Quarter Real Estate and Property Tax Payments

The Town is taking applications to waive penalties and interest for 30 days if excise tax and 4th quarter real estate and property tax payments cannot be paid by the current due date of May 4th. This means if you complete the application, all late payment interest and fees for excise tax, real estate and personal property, upon approval of the Board of Selectmen, will be waived up to June 4th for excise tax, fourth quarter real estate and personal property tax payments. Interest will begin to accrue on June 5th for those who have not paid on or before June 29th. This action is being considered to ease any burden and provide some time for property owners that may be experiencing hardship due to COVID-19 related circumstances. NOTE: This DOES NOT include water payments. Water payments will continue as scheduled.

To submit a Hardship Request, complete the form online here
You can also download a PDF printable copy here
• Or request a copy by emailing [email protected]

Applications can also be mailed or dropped off using the outside locked drop box at Town Hall located at 1 Russell Stage Road.

Residents who are not experiencing hardship and are able to pay by the due date of May 4th, we encourage you to use the Town’s online payment option to pay real estate, personal property, excise taxes, and water bills. Click here to pay bills online using Unipay. Payments can also be made by mail or by using the outside locked drop box at Town Hall located at 1 Russell Stage Road. DO NOT mail cash.

Any questions, contact the Treasurer/Collector, Sara Hunter, at [email protected].

Tax Payments During Coronavirus Outbreak – Updated 3/19/20

Access to Treasurer/Collector personnel is limited due to precautionary measures to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

Staff will have access to email and phone messages and will address them on a daily basis. Taxpayers are encouraged to pay their taxes, including excise and water bill, online through Unipay here. If you need assistance, please contact the office and leave a message and staff will be happy to assist: (413) 848-4279, extension 101. Your call will be returned the same day or the next.

If you feel uncomfortable with this method, we are accepting payments at Town Hall, but they must be placed in the DROP BOX. Payments dropped in the box from March 18 through April 1 will have a process date of March 18. Payments dropped in the box April 1 or thereafter will have a process date of the date they were placed in the box.

If you would like a receipt for your dropbox payment, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. We thank you for your cooperation during these uncertain times.

FY2020 Tax Classification

The Board of Selectmen held a Tax Classification Hearing on November 25, 2019 to determine the percentage of the Town’s property tax levy to be borne by each major property class as described in Chapter 40, Section 56 of MGL.

The Board of Assessors has calculated the following tax rates needed to raise the tax levy for FY20:

Property Class
• Residential = $17.76
• Commercial = $17.76
• Industrial = $17.76
• Personal Property = $17.76
NOTE: The FY20 rate is an estimate only and may change upon review of the Department of Revenue.

The following is an example of typical residential tax change of an average single family home with the $17.76 rate:

Residential Class Average FY19 Value Average FY19 Tax at $17.21 Average FY20 Value Average FY20 Tax at $17.76 Change expected for FY20 period
Single Family Homes $219,320 $3,774 $219,946 $3,904 +130

In accordance with MGL, Ch. 40, Sec. 56, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the change, pending approval of the Town’s annual tax recap by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue.

Click here for FY20 Tax Classification Hearing Report.