Public Hearing – November 6, 2019 – DG Northeast Portfolio 2020, LLC

The Town of Blandford Planning Board will hold a public hearing on November 6, 2019 at 6:30 pm in the Town Hall (Selectmen’s Office), 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford, MA 01008 to consider the application for project titled “Rolling Potato Solar” by DG Northeast Portfolio 2020, LLC (DG NE) 700 University Boulevard, Juno, FL 33408 for a site plan approval as required under the following sections of Blandford Zoning Bylaw:

• Section VIII – Large-Scale Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installations (LSGMSPI). The project will also conform to the recently adopted amendments to the LSGMSPI By-Law approved Town of Blandford on June 27, 2018.
• Section IX – Site Plan Review

The applicants propose to install a 7.0 MW DC and 5 MW AC energy Large scale ground- mounted solar Photovoltaic facility on approximately 25 acres of the 37-acre property currently owned by Lloyd and Mary Martin at 89 Chester Road (Assessors Map 408, Parcel 0 19.1) in Blandford, Massachusetts. The property is currently zoned Agricultural and Undeveloped with proposed access from Chester Road with the proposed point of intersection via overhead wires on Chester Road.

The complete application and plans are available for public inspection in the Town Hall lobby during regular business hours (8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.), and at the Porter Memorial Library, 87 Main Street, Blandford, MA.

Anyone wishing information and/or to be heard on this matter should appear at the time and place designated.
Richard Barnard, Chair
Blandford Planning Board

Public Hearing – October 2, 2019 – Syncarpha Blandford, LLC

The Blandford Planning Board will be holding a Public Hearing on October 2, 2019 at 6:30 PM in the Town Hall (Selectmen’s Office), 1 Russell Stage Road Blandford, MA to consider the resubmission of plans and changes of Syncarpha Blandford, LLC, 250 West 57th Street, Suite 701, New York, NY 10107 for a Site Plan Approval as required under the following sections of the Blandford Zoning Bylaw:
• Section VIII – Large Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installations
• Section IX – Site Plan Review

The applicant proposes changes to the existing large scale ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) facility on an approximately 32 acre portion of the approximately 75 acre parcel of land located off of the east side of Chester Rd. (Assessor’s Map 408 Lot 13) which is located within the Agricultural (AG) Zoning District.

The complete application and plans are available for public inspection in the Town Hall lobby during regular business hours (8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.), and at the Porter Memorial Library, 87 Main St, Blandford, MA.

Anyone wishing information and/or to be heard on this matter should appear at the time and place designated.
Richard Barnard, Chair
Blandford Planning Board


Following the meeting above, the Planning Board will hold another Public Hearing to consider the application for a 8.640 kWp ground mounted residential solar facility by All Energy Solar, 159 Front St., Chicopee, MA 01013 on the property of Greg and Karen Yvon, 239 Otis Stage Road, Blandford, MA 01008. This solar project is for residential use only.

Plans for this project can also be found at the Town Hall lobby and at the Porter Memorial Library as stated above.

Public Hearing – July 1, 2019 – Liquor License

Town of Blandford, Massachusetts

A public hearing will be held by the Blandford Board of Selectmen at the Town Hall, 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford, Massachusetts on July 1, 2019 at 7:00pm on the application of Blandford Country Club, Inc. for a Retail Alcoholic Beverages License for the sale of all alcoholic beverages at the premises located at 17 North Street, Blandford, Massachusetts.

Public Hearing – May 1, 2019 – Blandford Zoning Bylaw

The Blandford Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at 6:30 PM, in the Selectmen’s Office in the Town Hall, 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford, MA. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment and consider amending the Blandford Zoning Bylaw and related Map, amending and the zoning bylaw and map by taking the following steps:

  1. Amending Section XIII: Definitions of the zoning bylaw, adding terms related to marijuana.
  2. Amending Section XII: Schedule of Uses Table, providing for Marijuana Establishments, with Special Permit/Site Plan Approval in Certain Districts
  3. Amending zoning bylaw by adding new Section XVI: Adult Use Marijuana Establishments
  4. Amending and restating the Blandford Zoning Map and Section III: Establishment of Districts, specific to deleting and replacing new text for contracting the boundaries of the residential zoning district and expanding the business zoning district.

The text and maps are on file for review during normal business hours with the Town Clerk during normal business hours.

Any person interested or wishing to be heard on the application should appear at the time and place designated.

Richard Barnard
Chairman, Blandford Planning Board

Public Hearing – April 17, 2019 – Otis Stage Road Photovoltaic Project

The Town of Blandford Planning Board will hold a public hearing on April 17, 2019 at 6:30pm in the Town Hall (Selectmen’s Office), 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford MA 01008 to consider the application for project titled “Otis Stage Road Photovoltaic Project” submitted by Blandford Solar LLC, 700 University Boulevard A1A/JB, Juno Beach, FL 33408 for a site plan approval as required under the following sections of Blandford Zoning Bylaw:

• Section VIII – Large Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installations (LSGMSPI)
• Section IX – Site Plan Review

Download the agenda here.