2020 Primary Results


326 ballots cast in the Primary Election on September 1, 2020.

US Senate Dem: Markey 105 | Kennedy 102
US Senate GOP: Ayyadurai 50 | O’Connor 63
US House District 1 Dem: Neal 118 | Morse 89
Register of Probate Hampden Dem: Collamore 40 | Saccomani 146

Early Voting Sessions

Registered voters will have the opportunity to cast ballots for the September 1 primary in-person during FOUR early voting sessions.

Voting will be at the town offices on:
Saturday, August 22 from 10 a.m. to noon
Sunday, August 23 from 3 to 5 p.m.
• Monday, August 24 from 5 to 7 p.m, and
Thursday, Aug. 27 from 5 to 7 p.m.

Mail-in ballots may be requested via application which can be found here. The deadline to request a mail-in early ballot is 5 p.m. on the fourth business day before the election or August 26. Mail-in ballots may be returned by mail, in person, or placed in the large, secured grey drop box outside town offices. All primary ballots must be returned by 8 p.m. on September 1.

The last day to register to vote in the primary is August 22 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Town Clerk’s office.

2020 Vote by Mail Application

In July, a new law was passed to allow all registered voters in Massachusetts to vote by mail in any 2020 election, with no excuse needed.

As required by the new law, a Vote by Mail application will be mailed to every person who was registered to vote by July 1 and who had not already requested an absentee ballot for the State Primary or for all elections this year. A second mailing will be sent out in September to all voters who have not already applied for a Vote by Mail ballot for the November election. The applications are pre-addressed to your local election official and no postage is necessary.

Vote by Mail applications must be delivered to your local election office no later than 4 business days before the election. For a State Primary ballot, your application must reach your local election office no later than August 26. For a State Election ballot, your application must reach your local election office no later than October 28.

If you wish to vote by mail, you are strongly encouraged to return your application as early as possible, to make sure that you will receive your ballot in time to return it and have it be counted.

  Vote by Mail applications are available for download here.

You can find more information on voting by mail on the Commonwealth’s Voting by Mail FAQs page here.

2020 Election Results


There were 143 ballots cast in today’s election.
• All positions uncontested
• TJ Cousineau successful write-in candidate for Cemetery Commissioner for three years.

Question: Do you favor construction of a new exit on the Massachusetts Turnpike in the Town of Blandford?
Yes: 63
No: 79
Blank: 1

Changes to 2020 Municipal Calendar

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Changes to 2020 Municipal Schedule

Please be aware of the following changes/rescheduled dates on the Municipal Schedule.

  • June 1st – Monday, post for informational meeting (aka mini Town Meeting) to include on the agenda the completed and reviewed warrant. This is a Finance Committee meeting, their post.
  • June 2nd – Tuesday; 2pm-4pm and 7pm-8pm, last day to register to vote at Annual Town Meeting and Annual Town Election.
  • June 8 – Monday, Informational Meeting of the Finance Committee (aka: Mini Town Meeting) – per bylaw.
  • June 15 – Post for Town Meeting and Election, ONE WARRANT.
  • June 22 – Monday, Annual Town Meeting at 7pm – per G.L. c39, 10a. At least a half-hour prior to Annual Town Meeting the Town Administrator, Moderator, Town Clerk, Selectmen, and Town Counsel meet to review warrant.
  • June 27 – Saturday, Annual Town Election; 10am to 4pm. Per Ch. 45 of the Acts of 2020.