FY22 Budget Overview and Supporting Documents

The FY22 proposed budget is based on current revenue and expense projections and a balanced understanding of Blandford’s municipal service needs with careful consideration of post COVID recovery for Blandford residents. Following a year of COVID related challenges at the state level combined with the state’s own economic challenges, this continues to limit net local aid growth. We can expect a level funded amount of local aid for FY22 as we received in FY21. Additionally, we saw minor shortfalls in our local receipts but we look forward to address without any major impact due to our conservative budget approach during our budget planning for this fiscal year anticipating possible shortfalls.

Read the full budget and narrative from the Finance Committee here →

Blandford Cultural Council First Annual Arts Exhibition

The Blandford Cultural Council is pleased to invite local artists to submit their work for consideration in our First Annual Arts Exhibition.

DATE: August 28, 2021
PLACE: Blandford Country Club, North Street, Blandford, Massachusetts

PURPOSE: To provide an opportunity for area residents to enjoy the visual arts and to promote regional Artisans.

ELIGIBILITY & MEDIA: The juried exhibition is open to fine arts, fine art crafts (sculpture, pottery, woodwork). Originals, limited editions, and open editions are allowed.

Click here to download complete rules of entry and entry form.

Broadband Update – May 10, 2021

High-speed internet is now available for residents to use at the Fiber Hut – 4 North Blandford Road.

Similar to Town Hall, you can sit in your car, as long as you do not interfere with the Sertex crew testing the fiber. However, this connection is MUCH faster than what you would find at Town Hall and is a good preview of the type of speeds you can expect to see once broadband is rolled out to residents.

There is still no specific date for FSA04 go-live, but we will post an update as soon as we know. After Sertex completes testing the lines, then home installations will begin.

Free COVID Vaccines

The Hilltown Community Health Center is offering free COVID-19 Vaccines to all residents of Blandford, Chester, Russell, Granville, Tolland, Goshen, Chesterfield, PLainfield, and Middlefield.

For more information or to schedule an appointment for a vaccine, please call (413) 667-3009, extension 261.

Open Space & Recreation Plan Meeting – 5/4/21

Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 6:30pm
The final meeting between the Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) Advisory Committee and the OSRP consultant, Wildscape Design, LLC. The purpose of this meeting is to review and obtain feedback on the second drafts of the OSRP update, and work to fill in the gaps in Section Nine: Seven-Year Action Plan.
Zoom link for Community Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89305045932?pwd=eVF4NitFVW5IZzFtditUZFFFbXFvUT09
OR Dial in by phone: +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 893 0504 5932
Passcode: 170502

Download the agenda here →