Advancement to Phase IV – Step 1 – Order #66

  • All municipalities may move into Step 1 of Phase IV of the state’s reopening plan effective March 22nd
  • Order No. 66 Sets capacity limits for the following large capacity venues (5,000 persons or more) at a strict 12% capacity limit after submitting a plan to the Department of Public Health (details on next slide):
  • Indoor and outdoor stadiums
  • Arenas
  • Ballparks
  • Gathering limits set in COVID-19 Order No. 63 are adjusted in March 22, 2021 appendix.
  • Dance floors will be permitted at weddings and other events only.
  • Overnight summer camps will be allowed to operate this summer.
  • Exhibition and convention halls may also begin to operate, following gatherings limits and event protocols.

Capacity/Safety for Large Capacity Venues

  • Indoor and outdoor stadiums, arenas, ballparks, and similar facilities used for spectator sports, entertainment, or similar performances that have capacities of 5,000 persons or more are defined as “large capacity venues” for the purposes of this order.
  • Similar facilities with capacities less than 5,000 persons must follow applicable sector-specific rules for activities.
  • Conditions:
  • submission of COVID-19 safety plan
  • overall capacity limitations – 12% of permitted occupancy (counts may exclude workers and staff)

Large Capacity Venues COVID-19 Safety Plan

  • Safety plan must be submitted to DPH at least 10 days prior to opening; includes:
  • measures for maintaining social distance and capacity limitations
  • staffing and operations plans
  • hygiene protocols
  • cleaning protocols
  • DPH may require revisions to a safety plan at any time for unsafe conditions.
  • Large capacity venues may operate at 12% of permitted capacity.
  • Occupancy counts include all spectators and attendees but may exclude workers and staff employed by the venue.

Travel Advisory Replaces Travel Order Rescinds COVID-19 Order No. 45
14-day quarantine requirement for travelers entering Massachusetts and replaces it with travel advisory effective March 22nd. All visitors entering Massachusetts, including returning residents, are advised to quarantine for 10 days upon arrival.

Exemptions from travel advisory:

  • negative COVID-19 test result up to 72 hours prior to arrival. If not obtained before entry to Massachusetts, a test may be obtained after arrival, as long as travelers quarantine until a negative test result has been received.
  • returning to Massachusetts after an absence of fewer than 24 hours.
  • workers who enter Massachusetts to perform critical infrastructure functions while they are commuting to or from or while at work.
  • travelers who are fully vaccinated and who do not have symptoms.

Private Gatherings
Gatherings at private residences (and other places not event venues or public setting)

  • indoor gatherings are limited to a maximum of 10 people
  • outdoor gatherings are limited to a maximum of 25 people Gatherings at event venues and in public settings
  • indoor gatherings are limited to a maximum of 100 people
  • outdoor gatherings maximum of 150 persons in a single venue or space Defines “event venue or public setting” as any setting open to the public and any event venue, club, park, or other venue or space, public or private, that is available for public gatherings through lease, license, permit, contract, reservation, or similar arrangement

Gatherings at private residences (and other places not event venues or public setting)

  • indoor gatherings are limited to a maximum of 10 people
  • outdoor gatherings are limited to a maximum of 25 people Gatherings at event venues and in public settings
  • indoor gatherings are limited to a maximum of 100 people
  • outdoor gatherings maximum of 150 persons in a single venue or space

Defines “event venue or public setting” as any setting open to the public and any event venue, club, park, or other venue or space, public or private, that is available for public gatherings through lease, license, permit, contract, reservation, or similar arrangement.


  • Allows a city or town with a municipal caucus or annual or special municipal election scheduled before June 30, 2021, to postpone such municipal caucus or municipal election to a date certain not later than Aug. 1, 2021
  • Allows the select board, board of selectmen, town council or board of registrars to vote to eliminate a municipal caucus scheduled to occur before July 31, 2021, and, in the alternative, use nomination papers to nominate candidates

As always, please contact us via email at [email protected] or call (413) 848-4279, extension 401, with any questions or concerns.