The National Weather Service has announced that tropical storm Henri is expected to make landfall in New England this Sunday, August 22. The current forecast has the storm moving into the region Sunday afternoon and lasting through Monday morning. We could receive 4 to 8 inches of rain and wind gusts of 50 to 60 miles per hour. Be sure that end of driveway culverts are clear from any debris to help prevent flooding. Residents who are on well water, be sure to store some drinking water in case of power outages. Our emergency response team will be tracking the storm and ready to respond to emergencies accordingly.

Visit the following website that provides guidance on how to prepare and how to keep you and your family safe:

VERIZON customers can contact Verizon at 1-800-VERIZON (1-800-837-4966 or online at to report any service-related issue, receive alerts and find helpful service-related FAQs.

EVERSOURCE – to report or check an outage as well as to receive alerts and find helpful service-related information, visit

And in any emergency, dial 911.