Construction for the super structure replacement of two small bridges (Gore Rd. Bridge and North Blandford Rd. Bridge – both over the Tiffany Brook) in town is scheduled to begin in April 2020. We ask residents and other commuters that often travel these roads to expect closure and delays, therefore we urge the public to plan your commute ahead.

This project is made possible through the Commonwealth’s Municipal Small Bridge grant program that provides aid to municipalities for the replacement and preservation of municipally-owned small bridges.

The following is an approximate timeline of tasks we can expect in the coming months:

Bridge B-14-010 Gore Rd. over Tiffany Brook
Activity Anticipated Duration (Days) Anticipated Date Start Anticipated Date End
Mobilize 1 4/10/20 4/10/20
Set Signs 1 4/13/20 4/13/20
Close Bridge 1 4/14/20 4/14/20
Install Demo Shielding 3 4/15/20 4/17/20
Demolish Existing Bridge 5 4/20/20 4/24/20
Drill & Grout Dowels 3 4/27/20 4/29/20
Form/Pour Abutments 4 4/30/20 5/5/20
Set Structural Steel 2 5/6/20 5/7/20
Install Deck Planks 2 5/8/20 5/11/20
Tie Deck Reinforcing Steel 3 5/12/20 5/14/20
Complete Deck/Backwall Forms 2 5/15/20 5/18/20
Pour Concrete for the Deck 1 5/19/20 5/19/20
Form/Pour Safety Curbs 3 5/20/20 5/22/20
Excavate Approaches 2 5/26/20 5/28/20
Set Granite Curb 1 5/29/20 5/29/20
Install Membrane 1 6/1/20 6/1/20
Pave Bridge and Approaches 1 6/2/20 6/3/20
Install Guardrail 1 6/4/20 6/4/20
Saw and Seal End Joints 1 6/4/20 6/4/20
Demobilize/Reopen Bridge 1 6/5/20 6/5/20


Bridge B-14-008 N. Blandford Rd. over Tiffany Brook
Activity Anticipated Duration (Days) Anticipated Date Start Anticipated Date End
Mobilize 1 6/8/20 6/8/20
Set Signs 1 6/9/20 6/9/20
Close Bridge 1 6/10/20 6/10/20
Install Demo Shielding 2 6/11/20 6/12/20
Demolish Existing Bridge 4 6/15/20 6/18/20
Set Structural Steel 2 6/19/20 6/22/20
Install Deck Planks 2 6/23/20 6/24/20
Tie Deck Reinforcing Steel 3 6/25/20 6/29/20
Complete Deck/Backwall Forms 2 6/30/20 7/1/20
Pour Concrete for the Deck 1 7/2/20 7/2/20
Form/Pour Safety Curbs 3 7/6/20 7/8/20
Excavate Approaches 2 7/9/20 7/10/20
Set Granite Curb 2 7/13/20 7/14/20
Install Membrane 1 7/15/20 7/15/20
Pave Bridge and Approaches 1 7/16/20 7/16/20
Install Guardrail 1 7/17/20 7/17/20
Saw and Seal End Joints 1 7/17/20 7/17/20
Demobilize 1 7/20/20 7/20/20