Seeking Photographs

The newest edition of the Blandford Town Report is in the works and we are actively looking for a cover photo or a group of photos to use as a collage on the cover. There are several beautiful Blandford nature photos taken by our residents floating around on Facebook and we’re asking anyone who is interested in having their photos considered for the Town Report cover to please email the photos to the Town Clerk. Please include the name of who took the photo as well so they can be given credit for their photographic skill. The last day we will be accepting photo submitals is 4/13/18 and the winner will be announced on 4/16/18.
Good luck everyone!

1/10/18: Municipal Fiber Project – Workers In the Area

Over the next 8 weeks or so, we will have survey/map people from Precision Valley Communications working in the area. They are subcontracted out by Westfield Gas and Electric and are beginning by taking measurements of every utility pole and lengths to every single residence in town. They will be in trucks/vehicles marked with magnetic signage, they will have proper ID, and will wear safety vests.

This mapping will have them out with some equipment to ensure accurate measurements from pole to pole and pole to house. Residents with any questions should contact the Selectboard or the MLP members (Kim Bergland, Peter Langmore, June Massee) and we can resolve them.