UPDATED: Broadband Informational Sessions – Mark Your Calendar!

NOTE: These information sessions are NOT for signing up for broadband. All signups will be done online which will be available soon.

On Saturday, November 7, 2020 the Blandford Municipal Light Board will be hosting two hybrid informational sessions to provide an update to the Blandford community on the broadband project. Representatives from Whip City Fiber will be present to give an overview of where the project is in the process and engage in Q&A. These meetings will be done both in-person and virtually during two different time schedules for convenience. If you cannot make any of these sessions either in-person or online, the sessions will be recorded and later uploaded on the Town’s YouTube Channel and town website for later viewing.

Session 1: November 7, 2020 at 10am to 11:30am
• In-person: Gym of Town Hall
• Virtual Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81062748122
• Meeting ID: 81062748122
• Dial-in: 1-929-205-6099

Session 2: November 7, 2020 at 12pm to 1:30pm
• In-person: Gym of Town Hall
• Virtual Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82269237612
• Meeting ID: 82269237612
• Dial-in: 1-929-205-6099

If you plan to participate in person or online, PLEASE REGISTER HERE. NOTE: You do not have to be registered in order to participate. This is only in the effort to give Whip City Fiber an idea of how many people to expect.

In the effort to allow as much in-person space to be available to support social distancing guidelines, we strongly encourage folks to participate electronically via zoom if you are able and are comfortable participating electronically. If the capability does not exist and/or you are much comfortable participating in person instead, that is fine as well. If planning to participate in-person, social distancing guidelines will be adhered to upon entry of the Town Hall and participation in the gym. Any questions, contact the Town Administrator’s office at [email protected] or (413) 848-4279 x502.

Micro-Enterprise Grant Funding and Assistance with Food Purchases Now Available

Hilltown CDC currently has two new programs of interest for residents: The Micro-Enterprise Relief Program which offers grants to business owners with 5 or less employees that have been negatively affected by COVID-19 and the Hilltown Food Bucks Program which offers coupons or “bucks” for low to moderate income families to use while shopping at select locations.

Hilltown Food Bucks Program: This is a local effort to help Hilltown residents stretch their food dollars while supporting our critical local food businesses in a difficult time of social and economic stress. Eligible participants can receive between $100-$125 food coupons per month for five months to be used at participating local stores and farms. The coupons double your spending power when you make a purchase, so a shopping basket worth $80 can be paid for with $40 of coupons and $40 of your own money. Visit the Food Bucks website for more info.

Micro-Enterprise Relief Program: The program will provide one-time grants for business owners who need financial assistance to support business operational costs in order to keep the business sustainable. Grant funds must be used within two months of award. Applications are now being accepted. Funding will be awarded based on a first come, first eligible, completed application basis, subject to the availability of funding. Grant amounts will range from a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $10,000 to cover business losses incurred after May 10, 2020. Visit the Micro-Enterprise website for more info.

Blandford Walking Map & Event on 10/9

The Town of Blandford, collaboratively with Healthy Hampshire, has created a walking map that highlights the best routes and loops in town for walking – with levels ranging from easy to challenging and terrain that includes sidewalks, roadside shoulders, dirt paths and dirt roads. With funding from the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office and Healthy Hampshire, the map was created as part of an effort to support people of all ages and abilities to take advantage of one of the easiest and most accessible forms of exercise: walking. The map features historical, cultural and ecological points of interest in addition to the walking routes.

Blandford will be hosting an event in conjunction with the Hilltown Mobile Market on Oct. 9 to showcase the maps to town residents.

WHEN: Friday, Oct. 9 from 2:00-3:30pm
WHERE: We will meet in parking lot of Town Hall, 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford, MA.
WHAT: Town Administrator Joshua A. Garcia, will host a walk around the center of town – what’s called the Kaolin Loop identified in the Walking Map. Join him for informal conversation, snacks and a stop at the Country Store for some apple cider donuts. While you’re there, pick up a copy of the Blandford Walking Map, as well as some fresh, Hilltown-grown produce at the last day of the Hilltown Mobile Market! We ask that all participants follow Covid-19 safety protocols by wearing a mask and maintaining 6 feet of social distance.

You can also download a copy of the Blandford Walking Map here.