10 to 10 Helpline

10 to 10 helplineThe 10 to 10 Helpline has been recently launched for people at risk of harming their intimate partner. This new resource is the first of its kind in the United States. It is unique in that it focuses on individuals at risk of harming their intimate partner rather than focusing on the victim or survivor.

Helpline responders focus on interrupting abuse and supporting long-term safety and change. The Helpline is also available for the family, friends, and service providers of these individuals, so they too will have the support they need to address potential or ongoing harm.

As the name suggests the 10 to 10 Helpline operates from 10AM to 10PM, 7 days a week. It is free and confidential.

Call: 877-898-3411
Email: [email protected]
Follow on Facebook: @helpline1010.org
Follow on Instagram: @Helpline1010

Water & Traffic Updates for June 1 – June 7

Today, June 2, 2021 between 12 and 1:30pm, the water will be temporarily shut off at households on Russell Stage Road for ongoing repair to the water line.

Additionally, due to the ongoing maintenance, Russell Stage Road will be temporarily closed for thru Traffic only between June 1st and June 7th.

Any questions, contact the Water Department at 413-848-4279, extension 304 or email [email protected].