Massachusetts sees a rise in foodborne illness caused by Cyclospora

Residents reminded to follow food safety guidelines

BOSTON — The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) is urging residents to practice safe food handling practices following an increase in reported infections of Cyclospora, a foodborne illness that causes gastrointestinal symptoms, mainly diarrhea, that can sometimes be severe.

Since May 1, 2019, there have been more than 100 reports of Cyclospora infection cases in the state, when, over the past three years, DPH has received between 18 and 33 reported cases. Most cases this year have occurred in greater Boston, but infections have been reported in residents across the Commonwealth. Other states have also reported increases in the number of cyclosporiasis cases; the cause of the outbreak is not yet known.

Read the full press release from the Massachusetts Department of Health here.
Learn more about cyclospora here.

Board of Health Vacancy

There is a vacancy in an elected positon on the Board of Health. This is for a term ending in 2019 and you need to be a resident of the Town. If you are interested in being appointed at a joint meeting of the Board of Health and Board of Selectmen on May 29, 2018, please send a letter of interest and qualifications to Karen Shaw, Administrative Assistant to the Select Board, 1 Russell Stage Road, Suite 1, Blandford, MA 01008, or submit via email here. Please submit your request no later than May 28, 2018, 3 days from this posting. This appointment will remain in effect until the upcoming Town Election on May 11, 2019.