Town Election Results

There are 967 registered voters. There were 781 ballots cast from early voting, absentee ballots (there were two) and in-person voting on Tuesday.

Blandford’s certified, and now audited results are official:

President Donald Trump took 455 votes to 307 for Joseph Biden; teams Hawkins and Walker had one vote while Jorgensen and Cohen had 13. There were six blank votes for the electors of the president and vice president.

Sen. Edward Markey had 283 votes to Kevin O’Connor’s 452 and write-in candidate Shiva Ayyadurai had 19. Congressional Rep. Richard Neal had 464 votes, he was unopposed, as were Councilor Mary Hurley with 471, State Rep. Smitty Pignatelli with 470 and State Sen. Adam Hinds with 456.

Lori Landers-Carvalho took 396 votes to Rosemary Saccomani’s 289 for Register of Probate.

Election Notice for November 3

You have received the post card from the USPS regarding “vote by mail” recommending you start the process early. If you wish to vote by mail, you are strongly encouraged to return your application as early as possible, to make sure that you will receive your ballot in time to return it and have it be counted.

Secretary of State Galvin’s office is required to send a second round of applications for the general election by Sept. 14 to all registered voters who haven’t already requested a mail-in ballot.

The Town Clerk will have ballots for November 3 as scheduled by the Secretary of State, by October 9. Mailing ballots out will begin on Tuesday, October 13.

Ballots may be returned by mail, in person, or dropped in the secure gray box outside the entrance to the town offices.
You may vote early, in person, on Saturday or Sunday, October 17, 18 or 24, 25. Saturday hours are 10 a.m. to noon and Sunday hours are 3 to 5 p.m. The last early voting session in Blandford is Thursday, Oct. 29 from 5 to 7 p.m. All early voting will be at the town offices.

You may also vote in person during the regular Town Clerk office hours on Monday, October 19 or 26 from 5 to 7 p.m.

If you’ve already mailed back your ballot and it was accepted by the election office, it’s too late to vote in person.

However, if you didn’t mail back your ballot or it hasn’t been received yet, you should be able to vote in person.

For a November 3 Election ballot, either Vote by Mail or Absentee, your application must reach the town clerk’s office no later than October 28.

Please be aware that it may take as long as five days for a ballot to reach you by mail, so do plan ahead.

If you are not already a registered voter in Blandford, The deadline to register to vote for the November 3 election is Saturday, October 24 at the town clerk’s office, 2-4 and 7-8 p.m.

The November 3 election is at the town offices from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Safety precautions will be in place; masks are requested and can be provided; hand sanitizer, distanced voting spaces which will be sanitized after every use, and Plexiglas shields where necessary.

Vote by Mail applications are available for download here.

2020 Primary Results


326 ballots cast in the Primary Election on September 1, 2020.

US Senate Dem: Markey 105 | Kennedy 102
US Senate GOP: Ayyadurai 50 | O’Connor 63
US House District 1 Dem: Neal 118 | Morse 89
Register of Probate Hampden Dem: Collamore 40 | Saccomani 146

Early Voting Sessions

Registered voters will have the opportunity to cast ballots for the September 1 primary in-person during FOUR early voting sessions.

Voting will be at the town offices on:
Saturday, August 22 from 10 a.m. to noon
Sunday, August 23 from 3 to 5 p.m.
• Monday, August 24 from 5 to 7 p.m, and
Thursday, Aug. 27 from 5 to 7 p.m.

Mail-in ballots may be requested via application which can be found here. The deadline to request a mail-in early ballot is 5 p.m. on the fourth business day before the election or August 26. Mail-in ballots may be returned by mail, in person, or placed in the large, secured grey drop box outside town offices. All primary ballots must be returned by 8 p.m. on September 1.

The last day to register to vote in the primary is August 22 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Town Clerk’s office.