Town of Blandford
Town Clerk Notice
Received on June 27, 2019 with approval from the office of the Attorney General pertaining to the Annual Town Meeting May 6, 2019, Case No. 9365,
Articles # 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34 (Zoning) and Articles #2, 27 and 28 (General)
Pursuant to MGL Ch. 40, sec. 32, required posting/publishing.
Article 29 – To delete Sec. XV, temporary moratorium
Article 30 – To amend Zoning Bylaw Sec. XIII: Definitions, Marijuana all inclusive
Article 31 – To amend Zoning Bylaw Sec. XII, schedule use of table to provide for Marijuana Establishments
Article 32 – Insert new section XVI in Zoning Bylaws “Adult Use Marijuana Establishments”
Article 33 – To amend Zoning Bylaw Sec. III by deleting current boundaries of residential district and inserting new boundaries
Article 34 – To amend Zoning Bylaw Sec. III by deleting boundaries of business district and inserting new boundaries
Article 2 – To amend General Bylaws Sec. II(C), Town Moderator, by inserting the following new provision: Authority of the Town Moderator: If in consideration of a warrant article at Town Meeting a two-thirds vote is required by statute for passage of such article, the Moderator may declare the vote to be a two-thirds vote without a count, provided, however, that if the vote is immediately questioned by seven or more voters, a count shall be taken.
Article 27 – delete Ch. V. heading Liquor-Gaming and replace with V. Liquor-Gaming-Marijuana
Article 28 – Amend Ch. V. to include prohibition of public use of Marijuana pursuant to the Massachusetts General Laws.
Claims of invalidity by reason of any defect in the procedure of adoption or amendment may only be made within ninety days of such posting.
The full text of the AG letter and bylaws are available at Town Clerk’s office during regular posted office hours and copies are available at the Porter Memorial Library.