The below table gives residents a sense of the effect on their taxes from different spending scenarios. For example, if an additional $25,000 were raised on top of the existing levy, the FY23 tax rate would increase by 10 cents to $13.76 per $1,000 of value. You can use this tool to assess what any increase in Town expenditures would mean for your personal finances. Remember however that beyond the levy, the Town can fund its operations through state receipts (e.g., Unrestricted General Government Aid) and local receipts (e.g., inspection fees), and other sources that do not directly impact the tax rate. Capital expenses can also be borne by Free Cash, stabilization accounts, grants and other means. For a full understanding of the effect of any proposed spending, we recommend you reach out to Blandford’s Board of Assessors, Treasurer-Collector or the Town Administrator.