Town Election Results

There are 967 registered voters. There were 781 ballots cast from early voting, absentee ballots (there were two) and in-person voting on Tuesday.

Blandford’s certified, and now audited results are official:

President Donald Trump took 455 votes to 307 for Joseph Biden; teams Hawkins and Walker had one vote while Jorgensen and Cohen had 13. There were six blank votes for the electors of the president and vice president.

Sen. Edward Markey had 283 votes to Kevin O’Connor’s 452 and write-in candidate Shiva Ayyadurai had 19. Congressional Rep. Richard Neal had 464 votes, he was unopposed, as were Councilor Mary Hurley with 471, State Rep. Smitty Pignatelli with 470 and State Sen. Adam Hinds with 456.

Lori Landers-Carvalho took 396 votes to Rosemary Saccomani’s 289 for Register of Probate.