Seeking Applications for REDO Grant Funds

In May 2022, the Town of Blandford received notice of $60,000 in funding from the Regional Economic Development Organization (REDO) Grant Program through the Economic Development Council of Western Massachusetts. Funding is evenly divided between a Facade/Physical Improvement & Signage Program for private businesses, a Shared Streets Program for enhancing opportunities for outdoor dining, as well as placemaking and general beautification of public spaces. The Select Board is seeking applications from interested local businesses and nonprofits for funds to be awarded summer 2022 for projects that advance the goals laid out in the Local Rapid Recovery Plan and Resilient Master Plan.

Apply here →

Seeking Project Suggestions for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds

In May 2021, the U.S. Department of the Treasury launched the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, established by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to provide $350 billion in emergency funding for state, local, territorial and Tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 emergency. The Town of Blandford is expected to receive a total estimated direct municipal aid in the amount of $366,334. Visit this site to review Total Expected Funding.

The fund amount must be obligated by December 31, 2024, but actual payments can lag to December 31, 2026.

See full details here, including how to propose a project →