Pursuant to MGL, CH40A Sec. 9 the Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing at the Blandford Town Hall, 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford, MA 01008 at 6:00pm on September 7, 2022. This hearing is scheduled under the following Zoning By-Laws of the Town of Blandford: Section IX – Site Plan Review and Special Permits and XV – Adult Use Marijuana Establishments of the Zoning By-Laws of the Town of Blandford to consider the application for a request for a Revised Site Plan Review and Special Permit for the BELLE FLEUR HOLDINGS, LLC, Marijuana Cultivation Project, located at 138 Otis Stage Road, Blandford, MA 01008.
The applicants propose to revise/modify the application filed on May 5, 2021. Modifications are primarily to repurposing the building and adding agricultural greenhouses to their marijuana cultivation establishment on 36.5 acres, that is currently zoned as Agricultural and Undeveloped.
The completed application and plans are available for public inspection by accessing the link below:
BELLE FLEUR – Belle Fleur Amended OOC Submission 7-21-2022
Or make an appointment to view a hard copy of these forms at the Town Hall by e-mailing the Planning Board Chair at [email protected].
If unable to attend please submit comments to [email protected] or by writing, to the Blandford Planning Board at 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford, MA 01008.
Paul Martin, Chairman
Blandford Planning Board