Legal Notice
Town of Blandford
Zoning Board of Appeals
Notice of Public Hearing

A public hearing will be held for all persons interested in the application for two special permits by Lise Lawrence. The hearing will take place at the Blandford Town Hall, One Russell Stage Road, on Thursday, January 28th, 2021, at 7:00 pm.

The first request for a special permit is for a retail residential kitchen.

The second request is for a mail order board game to be manufactured and shipped from the residence of Lise Lawrence.

Both permits are for the property on 42 Gore Road, Blandford.

The applicable section of the Zoning by-law is and can be found on page 10 (ten) of the 2020 Zoning By-laws on the Town of Blandford MA Website.

Due to the current pandemic caused by covid-19, there has been a suspension of certain provisions of the open meeting law G.L.C. 30A 18, as well as a limitation on the size of gatherings placed into effect by the Governor on March 15th, 2020. Any participation by interested parties may be done remotely. The phone number is 425-436-6311. And the access number is 248-324#. This will connect the caller to a chat room that has the hearing.

Submitted by Donald Brainerd
Chairman Blandford ZBA

For any questions, please call Don Brainerd at (413) 848-2332.