The Town Building Commissioner brought forward to the Board of Selectmen for their review a set of proposed building fee revisions with side-by-side Town comparisons. The Town of Blandford’s building fees are the lowest in contrast with comparable communities. The Town relies on the collection of these fees from applicants to defray the costs incurred by the Town in reviewing and inspecting various building, civil, and planning applications. In the spirit of transparency and greater public participation, the Board of Selectmen wants to solicit input from the public on these draft revisions.
The proposed changes are available for your review, showing how our current and proposed rates compare with the Towns of Chester, Chesterfield, Huntington, Worthington, Middlefield/Becket, and Russell. The chart will be publicly posted in the lobby of Town Hall and can also be downloaded here.
Please forward any comments and suggestions to the Town Administrator at [email protected] or call 413-848-4279, ext. 502.