Please consider sending one person per board or committee to this meeting. It is important for all Blandford boards and committees to understand these regulations.

Attorney Thomas W. McEnaney, a shareholder at KP Law, P.C., our Town Counsel, will present an overview of the Open Meeting Law and the obligations it imposes upon public bodies, including substantive notice requirements and the timing of notices, as well as the content, maintenance and disclosure of minutes. Attorney McEnaney will also review the bases for entering Executive Session and the procedures that public bodies are required to follow in order to properly enter into Executive Session.

Date: Join us on september 13, 2017 AT 6:00 p.m.
Location: Town of Huntington, Stanton Hall, 26 Russell Road, Huntington, MA 01050

Please RSVP by September 6, 2017 to Helen Speckels via email or by phone at (413) 667-3500.