Please join Hilltown Community Development, Healthy Hampshire, and WalkBoston for the BLANDFORD WALK AUDIT!
This is a two-part event, so please hold BOTH Dates!
• Ped101 Zoom session on April 28 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm: Zoom link will be provided when you RSVP.
During this online event, WalkBoston will lead participants through a presentation of the key elements of walkable rural town centers and give an overview of what to expect during the walk audit.
• Walk Audit on April 30, in-person at 11am: We will meet at the Town Hall parking lot on 1 Russell Stage Road.
This will take place in-person and will cover approximately one mile in Blandford’s town center/town common area. In compliance with Governor Baker’s March 22 Appendix to COVID-19 Order #63 (issued March 18, 2021), the walk audit will be limited to 25 people. Masks will be required.