TO: Residents
FROM: Board of Selectman, Board of Health, Emergency Management
DATE: March 23, 2020
MEMO: Emergency Declaration

In response to the Governor’s Declaration of Emergency for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as well as the national declaration of emergency by the President of the United States. A state of emergency is declared at the Town of Blandford, effective March 23, 2020, in preparation for improving our local ability to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic threat. Click here to see the declaration.

This action is being taken proactively and not in response to any confirmed or presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 in the Blandford community.
According to Cara Letendre, Chair of the Selectboard, “This declaration is to bring us to alignment with federal and state declaration of emergencies, specifically to help us prepare, give the Town the administrative capability to adjust Town operations, and ensure the allocation of more resources as it relates to COVID‐19.” Many proactive preventative measures to mitigate any potential spread of COVID-19 has been implemented at Town Hall to keep personnel and the public safe. Town Administrator Joshua A. Garcia says, “The Board of Selectman, Board of Health, and the Emergency Management team are committed to working with the public to navigate the issue. Considering requirements, recommendations, and best practices, we have implemented several changes at Town Hall to ensure greater safety of our personnel, as well as the public.” These updates and other helpful information are shared on the Town website at and is updated regularly.
Any questions regarding the COVID-19, Blandford residents can contact the Board of Health at (413) 848-4279, extension 401 or [email protected].