Request for Price Quotes: Porter Memorial Library Site Improvements

The Select Board of the Town of Blandford invites price quotes for construction of a patio at the Porter Memorial Library located at 87 Main Street, Blandford, MA 01008. The written scope of work will be available from the time of this notice until the due date specified below. The Select Board will be the awarding and contracting authority and reserves the right to reject any and all proposals if it is deemed in the best interests of the Town to do so.

Price quotations are to be submitted no later than 5:00 PM, Thursday, August 31, 2023 at the Town Offices, 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford, MA, 01008. Submission procedure is available in the below materials.

Porter Memorial Library Site Improvements
• Prevailing Wage Rates

Blandford Librarian Takes the Lead in School, Library Collaboration

Porter Memorial Library Director Nicole Daviau, who is also an assistant librarian for Gateway Regional High School, is bringing together Gateway students, the school library and community libraries in the six district towns in a unique collaboration.

Daviau explained that there are public libraries in each of the Gateway towns of Blandford, Chester, Huntington, Middlefield, Montgomery and Russell. “All have unique collections and spaces, but not all are (currently) open to the public.”

Read the full article by The Reminder here →
See Nicole on WWLP’s Mass Appeal here →

Nicole was also recently chosen as one of six ALA Outreach Consultants. Read the full article in the Country Journal here →