Information about Community Solar Farm

The state of Massachusetts is working toward making Massachusetts the most energy-efficient state in the nation by having launched the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program. The SMART Program is a long-term sustainable solar incentive program encouraging development of solar technology across the state.

As you may have heard by now, the Town of Blandford has a few of these community solar farms, one of which has been recently approved. In support of Massachusetts’ commitment to green energy, the Town has arranged with the owner of one of the Community Solar Farms, Syncarpha and customer-service provider, Relay Power, to let Town residents know about how you can benefit from a local community solar farm – both savings and environmental – without cost or the need to install anything at your home. Your participation can help reduce the amount of electricity produced that are traditionally using dirty fossil fuels.

Most people don’t know they can take advantage of tying into local community solar farms. We want to share this with you (Town residents) for informational purposes so you can learn more on what this means and how it can help benefit you and the environment. For more information about this, visit

Things to Know
• No upfront cost
• Save money while going green
• Local, clean power
• No need for installation

Go to or call (617) 315-4980 to learn more.

Halloween Party & Trunk-or-Treat on 10/31/19

Grab Your Favorite Costume and Join us for our Annual Halloween Party and Trunk-or-Treating
Thursday, October 31, 2019
5:00 pm–7:00 pm
Blandford Town Hall
• Make your own hot chocolate
• Candy apples
• Popcorn
• Games & prizes
• Cider, donuts, cookies, snacks & more
• Bonfire – toast marshmallows and make s’mores!

We are looking for volunteers to set up for Trunk-Or-Treat in the Town Hall Parking lot. We’re looking for volunteers to (A) help with Trunk-or-Treating and will set up by 4:45pm and/or (B) help with donating a snack. Please contact:
Joann Martin: [email protected] OR Keri Morawiec: [email protected]

Massachusetts sees a rise in foodborne illness caused by Cyclospora

Residents reminded to follow food safety guidelines

BOSTON — The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) is urging residents to practice safe food handling practices following an increase in reported infections of Cyclospora, a foodborne illness that causes gastrointestinal symptoms, mainly diarrhea, that can sometimes be severe.

Since May 1, 2019, there have been more than 100 reports of Cyclospora infection cases in the state, when, over the past three years, DPH has received between 18 and 33 reported cases. Most cases this year have occurred in greater Boston, but infections have been reported in residents across the Commonwealth. Other states have also reported increases in the number of cyclosporiasis cases; the cause of the outbreak is not yet known.

Read the full press release from the Massachusetts Department of Health here.
Learn more about cyclospora here.

Cooling Station in Town Hall (7/20 & 7/21)

In response to the forecast for excessive heat and humidity this weekend, the Council on Aging room, in Town Hall, will be open this Saturday and Sunday from 1:00pm to 5:00pm as a local cooling center if any resident needs a place to cool off. Be sure to stay hydrated and check on the wellbeing of family, friends, neighbors, and pets/animals.