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Pursuant to MGL., CH. 40A, Sec. 11 the Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing at the Blandford Town Hall, 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford, MA 01008, virtually at 7:00 PM on January 21, 2021, at the Selectmen’s Office to present zoning bylaw amendments. Full articles and changes are available for review on the town web site here, at the Blandford Post Office and Town Hall.

Download the hearing presentation here.


To recodify, and therefore amend, the Zoning By-Law to make the By-Law easier for users to navigate, simplify and update its language, and provide a better structure for predictability and flexibility in both the interests of current use and future adaptability, by:

1. Reorganizing and renumbering portions of the Zoning-Bylaw to enhance accessibility and adaptability;
2. Updating and clarifying the purpose and authority of the Zoning By-Law to clearly state the Town’s legal and factual premises for zoning regulations;
3. Providing consistency with present State law;
4. Eliminating redundant or unnecessary provisions; making amendments such as correcting
spelling and typographical errors, and eliminating or updating outdated statutory references;
5. Revising and clarifying Zoning By-Law administrative provisions;
6. Updating the sign section of the By-Law;
7. Adding new criteria for Special Permit approval.

and by taking the following actions:

1. Deleting in their entirety the following provisions of the existing Zoning By-Law:

Section I – Purpose
2.1 – Use of Structure (Non-Conforming Uses)
2.2 – Alteration (Non-Conforming Uses)
2.3 and 2.3.1 – Extension (Non-Conforming Uses)
2.4 – Abandonment (Non-Conforming Uses)
2.5 – Changes (Non-Conforming Uses)
3.3.3 – Address of lot and lot assignments (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) – Home occupations
5.2.1-5.2.10 – Signs regulations
5.5.5 – Variances
5.6 – Appeals to Housing Court
Section VII – Appeals to Housing Court
Section IX – Site Plan Review

2. Replacing the following provisions of the Zoning By-Law whose proposed changes are on file in the office of the Town Clerk and the Planning Board:

Section I – Purpose
2.1 – Applicability
2.2 – Nonconforming Uses
2.3 – Non-Conforming Structures
2.4 – Special Permit Required
2.5 – Nonconforming Single and Two-Family Residential Structures
3.3.3 – Changing Address and Lot Numbers – Home occupations
5.2.1-5.2.9 – Permanent Signs, Temporary Signs and Placement of Signs
5.5.5 – Variances
5.6 – Appeals
Section VII – Administration and Procedures
Section IX – Site Plan Review and Special Permits

3. Adding the following provisions to the Zoning By-Law whose proposed changes are on file in the office of the Town Clerk and the Planning Board:

2.2.1 – Farms in the residential district (Nonconforming Uses)
2.6 – Abandonment or Non-Use
2.7 – Reconstruction After Catastrophe or Demolition
2.8 – Reversion to Nonconformity
5.2.10-5.2.12 – Sign Permits
7.1 – Enforcement Officer; Penalty; Permits; Exemptions
7.1.1 – Building Commissioner
7.1.2 – Violations
7.1.3 – Enforcement
7.1.4 – Further Action
7.1.5 – Penalty
7.2 – Board of Appeals
7.2.1 – Establishment
7.2.2 – Powers of the Board of Appeals
7.2.3 – Rules and Regulations
7.2.4 – Fees
7.3 – Planning Board
7.3.1 – Establishment
7.3.2 – Powers
7.3.3 – Associate Member
7.3.4 – Rules and Regulations
7.3.5 – Fees
9.2 – Special Permits
9.2.1 – Special Permit Granting Authority
9.2.2 – Criteria
9.2.3 – Procedures
9.2.4 – Conditions
9.2.5 – Plans
9.2.6 – Regulations
9.2.7 – Fees

4. And by taking any action related thereto

Any person interested or wishing to be heard should contact [email protected] to be added to the Agenda. Please submit comments, in writing, to the Blandford Planning Board at 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford, MA 01008 or join us virtually. Failure to make recommendations on the matter for review shall be deemed lack of opposition thereto. A copy of the proposed articles is available for review on the town web site here, at the Blandford Post Office and Town Hall.

Michael Hutchins, Chair
Blandford Planning Board