There were 194 ballots cast in Saturday’s election. Approximately 25 per cent of the town’s registered voters.
There were two contests on the ballot, incumbent library trustee Mary Kronholm holds her seat over contender Mary Mangini, 149 to 42 and incumbent Water Commissioner Gordon Avery holds his seat over contender Aaron Poteat, 135 to 48.
Selectman candidate Eric McVey was challenged by write-in candidate June Massee. McVey won the seat 137 to 28.
There is one open position, Field Driver for three years, and it is not known if the successful write-in candidate will accept the position.
Uncontested officials elected were:
Assessor for three years: Frank Lucia
Board of Health for three years: Mark Boomsma
Cemetery Commissioner for three years: TJ Cousineau
Fence Viewer for two years: Laurie Boucher
Moderator for three years: David Hopson
Municipal Light Board for three years: Kim Bergland
Planning Board for five years: Sharon Barnard
Planning Board for five years: Sarah Simpson
Planning Board for one year: Aaron Poteat
School Committee for three years: Michele Crane
Tree Warden for three years: Mark Boomsma